Why talk about this?

Why be so public about something so personal?  There are a few reasons.

1) I needed an outlet to talk about it because it really helps just to get all this shit off my chest.  

2) Speaking about this, in this format allows people to know whats happening without speculating about something they may or may not have heard....or if something happens and I forget to update someone...or if someone doesn't want to see all of this (and the pictures...lol) all over Facebook then it's right here.

3) Out of all of the things this tumour has caused me to lose control of (no running, no energy, no independence), it's one of the few things that allows me to take a little of my control back.

4) I plan on doing some good with this.  I'm in the middle of figuring out how to do this and where I specifically want any money raised to be filtered...but it will be along the lines of brain cancer research with the hope of the funds remaining in Manitoba. Stay tuned for details!

Why the stupid name?  The one thing that kept reappearing in messages of support in the first few weeks after diagnosis  it was "you got this iron jo" "your a tough cookie jo", yadda yadda yadda.  As much as I don't believe it, maybe it will help me finally believe it.  And if I ever get to be a best selling author, world class motivational speaker and finally get to be the inspirational story on NBC's coverage of Ironman World Championships (insert 5 or 6 eye rolls here)....then I thought maybe I could start branding myself....lol maybe we can finally make some shirts with my logo and my face on it (another dream of mine), so I'd be good to go.

Where's the old JoanneRunstoEat blog?  Those days are long gone and this is a new chapter.  Plus....I'm not really running so much these days.

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